Perez picks heavily Latino precincts in recount fight

July 10, 2014
Sacramento Bee

When John A. Pérez pored over voting results to determine which of California’s 22,353 precincts should be recounted in his tight battle for state controller, his campaign chose the ones in which he did well. A Sacramento Bee analysis of the four largest counties to be recounted show some areas the campaign picked also have a disproportionately high population of Latinos and a disproportionately small population of whites and Asian Americans....But the strategy highlights a system now coming under national criticism from vote-monitoring groups as inherently unfair....

“The law is just inherently unfair and flawed,” said Mark Halvorson, vice chairman of Minnesota-based Citizens for Election Integrity, who has observed recounts around the country. “The way to ensure people that the correct candidate won is to count every ballot. And that’s not going to happen here.”

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